Hot Peascods!

A history of London Streetfood


The largest book collection in the world devoted to the history of a single city is housed at the Guildhall Library. 

We were to draw on this vast archive and create an outdoor exhibition that brought alive the history of street food in the capital. It enabled us to re-discover some of London’s most intriguing characters and release them (from pages of books dating back to the 16th century) back onto the streets to sell their wares.

The name we created came in discussion with the client as we looked at the cries used by the food sellers, to draw attention.

So what do you fancy for lunch – Hot Peascods, Periwinkles, Saloop or Baked Taturs?


“…absolutely fantastic piece of work, that made a big impact in two contrasting spaces.

This was our first street exhibition and mr. creative exceeded all of our expectations with a visually dramatic exhibition.”

— Dr Peter Ross, Principal Librarian, Guildhall Library


“The exhibition stopped people in their tracks and drew them in, as they absorbed a fascinating part of the capitals history.

The work brought a fresh creative angle and appealed to a new audience.”

— Dr Peter Ross, Principal Librarian, Guildhall Library


“mr. creative always immerse themselves in the subject and are eager to understand even the smallest detail of our exhibitions. 

After using their services for three exhibitions I am impressed by how each time they come up with a new angle and each one has a dramatically different, but appropriate style.”

— Dr Peter Ross, Principal Librarian, Guildhall Library


Bridge House Estates


Tower Bridge wayfinding